Multilayer thin film coatings are applied to many optical devices (e.g., lenses, computer monitors, eye glasses, window panes, light bulbs, hot/cold mirrors, x-ray mirrors, photovoltaic cells, infrared detectors, laser gyroscopes, television cameras, prisms, WDM and DWDM filters, VCSEL lasers, etc.) to control the reflected, transmitted, and absorbed light at wavelengths ranging from x-ray to far infrared. A coating's effect is determined by how its layers control the interference and absorption of light.
More information about TFCalc:
- Latest version: TFCalc 3.5.15, for optical coatings,
shipping on CD-ROM
Package also includes: TFCalc/WDM - Summary of TFCalc features
- Focus on special features
- Demo package and manual
TFCalc/RF is a product geared to the microwave industry. It uses complex epsilon and mu to more completely model the materials used in the microwave industry. This software enables designers to create microwave reflectors, bandpass filters, polarizers, absorbers, etc. Ask about our introductory offer.
- All computations are done with 10-byte extended-precision numbers, which offer about four additional digits. This is important for designs having many layers.
Contact Software Spectra to:
- Join our e-mail mailing list
- Request literature about TFCalc
- Request a demo package
Telephone: 1-800-832-2524 . . . . . Fax: 503-690-8159